Hey, just a quick heads up that Tara over at Mamachee * Crochet Makes Me Happy has a whole facebook fan thing going on right now. 16 days of contests, giveaways, and freebies. If you're on facebook anyway, you should go check it out.
* Today's a free-gift-with-purchase! Buy any footwear pattern and she'll send you her jute sole pattern. Rad! I got a pattern to make Jake some slippers for his birthday. I'm super excited because the jute soles will make them good for indoor/outdoor use. Score!
**I've used her patterns before and she's awesome! I highly recommend her stuff!!
*** I wasn't paid to say any of that. Didn't get anything free (except my gift-with-purchase, which I haven't actually gotten yet, but I'm sure it's coming...)
**** I like the asterisks
***** I like my fans too. Leave a comment if you've got an idea for a good giveaway over here. I am stumped. I keep thinking another free book day... Love free book days, everyone wins!
Oh, and I've joined the world of Instagram! I'm crochet_dynamite if you want to follow...
xoxo Jaime
Wow! This is so interesting. Dumpsters Decatur IL