
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Crochet To-Do List!

Do you guys know my friend Mary Katherine?  She's the uber-talented crochet genius behind Crochet Chiq.  She's also a member of the Crochet Lounge on Facebook (if you're not a part of it, it's an amazing -and super fun- group of proud hookers showin' off their stuff. It's a closed group, but I think anyone can apply to join.)  So, because of Mary Katherine I've been lurking and eavesdropping on all of the awesomeness (yes, that's a word) that all of the creative folks over at Crochet Lounge are working on. I feel like I get a sneak peek at the newest and coolest crochet projects out there!

Like c2c blankets (corner to corner, if you're not in the loop! LOL!!).  Quick to make, and awesome as all get out, a c2c blanket is on my list for my niece for Christmas...  I like this c2c pattern from The Crochet Crowd, and Mikey is awesome in the video!!

But what I'm totally digging for myself, and maybe Mims if I'm feeling generous, is a pair of crochet slipper boots.  I am in love with this pattern I found via Pinterest and I Really Should Be Sleeping.  I'm thinking that I need a purple pair, and a gray pair, and a green pair... I think I would LIVE in them...
(I actually have ordered the pattern, and a couple others, because her designs are so adorable! Check them out at Mamachee Patterns! I'll let you know how they turn out!)

Do you have a fave pattern you're working on this summer?  I'm on the lookout for fun!!  I still want to crochet a pair of socks...



  1. adorable patterns!! nice socks! what a great hand job!

  2. I am totally addicted to this magazine called Simply Crochet out of the UK. They had a lace sock pattern last month that I could not resist. I usually don't like crocheted socks, I'd rather knit them. But these were too cute! I finished a pair in a weekend from a cotton sock-weight yarn. So it's definitely doable!

  3. Yes, I know Mary Katherine and I adore her doing her crochet. Patio Screen Installation


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